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A Look Back at Some of My Favorite Posts
Each post I write is a snapshot in time. Sometimes I go back to correct them or add a little more information but I’ve learned that I always need to continue looking forward. Rewriting my old posts, as much as they might need it, doesn’t give me time to write …When Did It Become Rude To Ask A Direct Question?
You’re sitting at the airport terminal reading your Kindle when someone comes up to you and says, ”Pardon me but do you know what time it is?” If you’re like me, you look up, answer “Yes” and go back to reading. Rude? Maybe but which of us was being rude? …Why You Never Ask An Engineer, What Are You Thinking?
It’s been a beautiful evening. The meal was delicious. The waiter had been right, the dessert was to die for. Noticing the smile on his face, you reach out and gently grasp your beloveds’ hand. In a warm voice, full of love and contentment, you say, “What are you thinking?” …Email, A Training Tool For Poor Performance
In a typical game you have a number of obstacles that you have to overcome. Overcome enough of them and you gain a level. Not unexpectedly, the designers of these games often use psychologists to maximize the rush of endorphins you get for each accomplishment. It should come as no …Looking For a Christmas Present? Try
Many years ago my Mother-in-Law introduced me to She did this indirectly by giving me a iPod Shuffle for Christmas. At the time, I considered the Shuffle part of her tireless campaign to pull me into the Apple mystique. I appreciated the thought but music is not a significant …
Glad I pressed the button. I confirmed it was functional and took a trip down memory lane to see what looks like one of my childhood favorite monster of the black lagoon toys!
I just found this….and of course I had to click on it!