From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
A Very Personal Look At The Engineering Decision Making Process
I've written a number of posts about how engineers think and make decisions, so I was stunned when my Wife questioned my decision making process and demanded details. My first response was to deny any malfeasance on my part but when I recovered my composure I realized...
A Plea For An End To Tiny Instruction Manuals
One of the movies being released this Christmas is Downsizing, a tale of people being shrunk to reduce their cost of living by reducing the resources needed to support them. It’s a sad commentary on our current state of affairs that my first thought was they would be...
Risk Reward Analysis And How to Influence Your Engineer’s Decision
Every decision an engineer makes goes through a risk reward analysis, each and every one. It's not a complicated process, it doesn't involve calculus but it's not always obvious. Let me give you an example. Recently my two year old Samsung dryer decided to stop...
Who Supports Ending Net Neutrality? Texas Senator John Cornyn, But Why?
I've always believed you shouldn't get involved in a fight you have no hope of winning. I find it unfortunate that I’m not heeding that advice with regard to net neutrality. Still, I can't help but wonder why Texas Senator John Cornyn supports an organization using...
How To Take Part In A FCC Scam Without Really Trying
I think I’ve made my view of the current FCC leadership fairly clear. In my opinion, commissioner Ajit Pai has lied and misrepresented facts in order to turn the Internet over to the big cable companies. When I read that the New York Attorney General was investigating...
Without Net Neutrality Expect Cable Television Content And Service
Net neutrality is one of the things that keeps the Internet from becoming an echo of the vast cable television nothingness. If you were to take a survey of the most hated companies in the US, I’m willing to bet that the cable companies would top the list. Nobody likes...