Ronin, From Puppy To Adolescent

Ronin, From Puppy To Adolescent

This post started as a very simple idea. Most of them do but this was an opportunity to have a fun post and gain a few brownie points with my wife. You see it was Mother’s day and five weeks earlier my wife had acquired Ronin. Strictly speaking, a puppy doesn’t...
A Mother’s Day Post On Political Change

A Mother’s Day Post On Political Change

I should explain why I’m doing a political post for Mother’s Day. Last year I explained that I have to consider both my Mother and my Mother-in-law. When it comes to this blog both of them have given me strong encouragement to continue writing. They’ve only expressed...
Criticism, It’s Not Always Bad

Criticism, It’s Not Always Bad

When I started this website I was really concerned about the comments that I would receive. How much tolerance would I have for negative comments? Would I get a multitude of negative comments? Could I handle the criticism without giving up completely? I guess I really...