From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Married To A Systems Engineer, Why Do Engineers Ask So Many Questions
I really don’t think it’s fair for my wife to break into uncontrollable laughter every time I explain that as a systems engineer, most of my job involves facilitating communications. I understand why she starts laughing, despite speaking a common language,...
Why Would An Engineer Find Gordon Ramsay Entertaining?
One of the major differences between my wife and I is the way we view food. My wife likes to savor new foods and enjoy the delicate interplay between the seasonings. Me, I'm more concerned about how long it takes to prepare and eat. My wife accuses me of only having...
Creating An Alexa Podcast For OpinionByPen Using Amazon Polly
In my previous post I took you on my journey to add Amazon’s speech synthesizer Polly to Opinionbypen. I have to admit I did this as an excuse to play with some of the emerging technologies offered by Amazon. Although there were a few minor obstacles along the way,...
Amazon Polly For WordPress, A Review And Maybe A Podcast
It’s inevitable that having mastered their own specialty, an artist will go on to explore other media. For example, a painter who has worked with oils will probably try watercolors. An experienced electrical engineer will probably think he’s capable of doing...
Is It Murder If You Club Your Beeping Carbon Monoxide Detector Into Silence?
I like to think that my wife has learned a lot from me about dealing with recalcitrant electronics. Still after analyzing the situation,when she uses a hammer to completely destroy a beeping carbon monoxide detector in her RV, I find myself applauding her initiative. ...
Why Are We Allowing The News Media To Manipulate Our Opinions?
I know, I vowed no more political blogs but that was last year. This really isn't about politics anyway. It's about the manipulation of our society by the news media. I believe the divisiveness we see today is driven largely by this manipulation. Remember the recent...