by Byron Seastrunk | Jun 19, 2016 | Blogging, Engineer, General, New, Technology
Hubris, excessive pride or self-confidence. Last year I barely understood what it meant, today I recognize it for the deadly threat it is. Speaking as an engineer, we all know how fun it is to impress our non-engineering friends and family with our near mystical...
by Byron Seastrunk | Jun 5, 2016 | General, New, Technology
Today is the thirtieth day after I finally gave in and allowed Microsoft to put Windows 10 on my machine. That’s an important number for Windows 10. If you change to Windows 10 and decide you don’t like it, you have to do a roll back before 30 days have...
by Byron Seastrunk | May 31, 2016 | Engineer, General, New
We’ve all heard the term, use it or lose it. All you have to do is look at the mess our current voting system is in to realize the truth of that statement. Still, I’ve promised that I’ll stay away from politics so I’ll let that one pass. In college I learned how to do...
by Byron Seastrunk | May 21, 2016 | Blogging, New, Technology
When I said I wanted to expand my Opinionbypen experience, I was thinking more about advertising and social media. I didn’t mean getting my website hacked or getting one of my posts hijacked and yet so far this year that’s exactly what’s happened. There’s no...
by Byron Seastrunk | May 2, 2016 | Engineer, New, Technology
I try to acknowledge my weaknesses and technology is certainly one of my major weaknesses. My house is full of early adopter junk that never made it past the early adopter stage. Fortunately, there’s also the occasional gem such as my 3D printer and my drone. These...
by Byron Seastrunk | Apr 25, 2016 | Blogging, General, New, Technology, Uncategorized, Writing
The idea was a inspired one. The more I use it, the more I appreciate what Scrivener, from Literature and Latte, does for writers. When I was offered a chance to buy a copy at half price, having already bought my own copy, I immediately thought buying it as a gift for...