by Byron Seastrunk | Jun 9, 2014 | Blogging, General, New, Politics
Almost two years ago I preordered a Google Nexus tablet, only to have the order cancelled two weeks later because I had used a PO Box as my address. Needless to say I wasn’t happy. Being very frustrated and having limited options, I wrote Google Wallet, PO Boxes and...
by Byron Seastrunk | May 11, 2014 | General, New, Politics
I should explain why I’m doing a political post for Mother’s Day. Last year I explained that I have to consider both my Mother and my Mother-in-law. When it comes to this blog both of them have given me strong encouragement to continue writing. They’ve only expressed...
by Byron Seastrunk | Jan 17, 2014 | Blogging, General, Politics, Technology
Every once in a while I have an idea that’s almost brilliant. Google has made most of its money through advertising. Why can’t the US government do the same? Every year the IRS gets an update on where we live, how much money we made, and how we spend our money. They...
by Byron Seastrunk | Jan 12, 2014 | Blogging, General, Politics, Technology
I want to ask you the question. If Target announced that it was having a 50% off sale today and you could only use your credit card but they assured you that you could not get hacked, would you do it? My guess is no. Simply speaking, they have lost your trust in their...
by Byron Seastrunk | Dec 2, 2013 | Blogging, General, Politics
I have a point to make but before I do so I want to put my audience in the proper frame of mind. When I consider the perfect woman I think of somebody who is very slender, drop dead gorgeous with perfect makeup and long hair. Of course with these attributes there’s no...
by Byron Seastrunk | Oct 20, 2013 | Blogging, Politics, Technology
My wife dreads the arrival of Autumn. She loves the season, the brisk cold, the planning of next year’s garden but with the cold she also knows I spend more time in the shower taking long showers that completely drain our hot water system. The additional time spent in...