Whitewall Nebraska, A Study Into Current Reality

I’m proud to announce that I’ve been elected mayor of Whitewall, Nebraska. It was unanimous—or will be as soon as I update the websites I created for this event. Of course, you’ve probably never heard of Whitewall, Nebraska. That’s not surprising because it doesn’t...

Christmas Ideas From My Fox Alien 4040 Vasto

Shortly after I retired, Fox Alien put their 4040 Vasto CNC on sale. The timing was perfect. I had already decided I wanted to get serious about carving wood, and although I had highly modified my 3018 (now a 3040), it was limited. First impression: the Vasto is...

In Defense Of My Junk Box: Married to An Engineer

Just about every electrical or mechanical engineer I know has some kind of junk box—a treasure trove of parts accumulated over the years, all saved with the hope they might come in handy someday. My own junk box started at a very early age. Too young to work a...

From the Doghouse

A look at dogs having fun

Poser Gallery

My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser

Nature by Carol

A look at the less technical side of life

Some Advice Before You Move To The Country

Some Advice Before You Move To The Country

You're tired of your annoying neighbor that gets up at 6AM on a Saturday morning to mow his lawn. Or maybe it's the neighbor that mows his grass once a month and seems to cultivate all those weeds that find their way to your yard. Or maybe you don't like the home...

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A Look At The Snake Slayer IV From A New User

A Look At The Snake Slayer IV From A New User

If you've ever wondered just how fast your reflexes are, try sticking your hand into a nest box occupied by a snake instead of eggs. The few times I've done this it took about two microseconds for me to realize it was a snake and then my hand attained warp speed as I...

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Hubris, An Engineering Malady?

Hubris, An Engineering Malady?

Hubris, excessive pride or self-confidence. Last year I barely understood what it meant, today I recognize it for the deadly threat it is. Speaking as an engineer, we all know how fun it is to impress our non-engineering friends and family with our near mystical...

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From the Doghouse -It’s all about them

A look at dogs having fun!

Short Stories

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