It’s an unfortunate truth that music plays a very small part of my life. So small that I’ve always felt handicapped as a writer because I don’t appreciate music. That probably stems from a lack of rhythm, I have none. I can’t even clap in time to music. Having lived with that all my life, I was amazed to find I had spent the better part of a day using AI to generate songs and enjoyed the process.

Sharing some of the fun with you, I had the AI create songs for each of our dogs. Using keywords and the music style to match each dog’s personality, I’m impressed with the results. The AI doesn’t always get it right, and I’m definitely not into some of the genre choices so I’m sparing you all the candidates that didn’t make the grade.

Before I lose you to the music, I was using It’s a pay site but they give you a 60 second sample for free and encourage you to generate as many samples as you want. You only pay for the songs you want to keep. Although the link is tied to to my account and I receive a song credit if you sign up. I’m not endorsing the site as something you have to try and none of the songs will ever make the charts but it did provide a fun morning. Feel free to avoid being associated with me by simply typing in the site name.

Now for the music:


Ronin is the wise elder of our pack. He’s now retired from Agility having won so many titles and ribbons I can’t even count them. He’s still active and when asked can still put down a blistering Agility run. 





Ronin runs so fast again
Chasing dreams around the bend
Blue merle fur in the wind
Agility champ and friend
Leaping high and turning tight
Love in his eyes so bright
Full of moves just like a dance
Always ready take a chance
Ronin’s here to play all day
Joyful heart in every way
Agility master
Moves so free
Ronin’s world for all to see
Affectionate and full of love
Sent from the heavens above
Cuddles close with wet nose kiss
Every moment pure bliss
Ronin’s world is made of fun
Parks and fields chasing sun
In his eyes the world is new
Every day a grand view
Fearless spirit bound to show
In the races where he goes
Always ready
Always strong
Ronin’s heart sings its song



Oliver has taken up the competition mantle and is steadily gaining new titles. He displays all the impetuousness of youth and believes the world would run much better if we would just listen to him. We have given him the title of Sir Barks a Lot, simply because he’s always telling everyone what to do.




Oliver, the blue merle with eyes so bright,
He’s always barkin’ mornin’, noon, and night,
Agility champ, he runs like the wind,
With a waggin’ tail, let the games begin.
He loves to play tug, he’ll never let go,
Tug-of-war battles in the backyard row,
Rope in his mouth, he’s strong and he’s proud,
Our furry little leader, stands out from the crowd.
Oliver, Oliver, with a bark so loud,
Agility king, makes his family proud,
Always tellin’ everyone what to do,
Oliver, oh Oliver, we sure love you.
In the ring, he’s quick, a sight to see,
Leapin’ through hoops with agility,
Every twist and turn, every little trick,
He’s faster than a feather, swift and slick.
In the fields, he’s always ahead,
Leading the pack, runnin’ full speed ahead,
Guarding his folks with a loyal heart,
Oliver the shepherd, a work of fine art.
Oliver, Oliver, with a bark so loud,
Agility king, makes his family proud,
Always tellin’ everyone what to do,
Oliver, oh Oliver, we sure love you.



Venn is a rescue that came to live with us shortly before I retired. She is predominately Great Pyrenees, Anatolian, and German Shepherd with a few other breeds thrown into the mix. If you don’t believe genetics play a strong part of a dog’s personality spend a few hours with Venn. She believes in rigid schedules, patrolling for intruders and alerting the neighborhood in case of danger.




Venn the yellow dog so keen
Wants her life to be so clean
Every plan in perfect line
Never leaves a thing behind
Chasing patterns all the way
Every second of the day
Locks and doors must be secure
From the start and to the core
Venn needs structure all the time
Tight routines she makes them rhyme
Schedules set and all aligned
Safety first brings peace of mind
Morning walks are strictly timed
Meals and snacks are all aligned
Every nap and every play
Fits within her mapped out day
Venn the dog so brave and bright
Guided by her rules so tight
Comfort found in what’s contained
Order makes her unrestrained
Venn needs structure all the time
Tight routines she makes them rhyme
Schedules set and all aligned
Safety first brings peace of mind



Blaze is our current foster. An Australian Shepherd puppy, he’s full of energy and his behavior makes it clear he had very little socialization or guidance. Best guess is that he’s somewhere around 10 to 14 months old. Venn has been invaluable in being his play companion while simultaneously teaching him boundaries.  He’s not slated to be a long term member of our pack but given this opportunity I will use his song as an aid to getting him his forever home.




Blaze is a pup with a coat of red,
Runs through the fields, and messes up the bed,
Barking at the sunrise, chasing down the day,
A whirlwind of energy, never far away.
In the morning light, he’s a bounding spree,
Running circles ’round the old oak tree,
Paws in the dirt, a mischievous grin,
Tugging at my heartstrings, where do I begin?
Blaze, oh Blaze, you’re a noisy little storm,
You turn the quiet home into a place so warm,
With your wagging tail and your playful eyes,
You’re my little red thunder, under blue skies.
Evening comes, but you’re still going strong,
With a bark and a bound, all night long,
Napping on the porch under the starlit night,
Dreaming of adventures till the morning light.
Every time I call, you’re coming like a flash,
Through the tall green grass, you’re gone in a dash,
But you circle back with a stick in your mouth,
Bringing laughter to this house from the north to the south.
Blaze, oh Blaze, you’re a noisy little storm,
You turn the quiet home into a place so warm,
With your wagging tail and your playful eyes,
You’re my little red thunder, under blue skies.

Congratulations on making it this far. If you’re tired of songs about dogs, I had the AI create this as a tie-in to one of my early posts, The Food Scout.


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