From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman, Too Enjoyable?
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman was an unexpected treat. You would expect a collection of lectures from a Nobel Winning particle physicist to be dry, containing lots of math and another incomprehensible discussion on why they believe certain...
Lifetime Updates and Lifetime Warranties, Scam Or Real Value?
When I was comparing back up software, Acronis, Paragon and Aomei, the licensing terms were very different. Paragon provided updates until they released another major update. Acronis would update you for that year’s version. Unlike the others, for an extra $30 Aomei...
Baby Knowledge, An Important Concept In Being Understood
When we moved out to our ranch, my wife had to impress on me that horses were not merely big dogs that we could ride. Wagging their tail does not indicate pleasure at seeing you. Rolling on the ground doesn’t always mean their back itches and yawning certainly doesn’t...
The Way We Present Numbers Reveals A Lot About Us
The first time I saw Spock turn to Captain Kirk and say, "This plan only has a 5.377 percent probability of success," I was hooked. Spock was able to use his massive intellect and compute the probability of the Enterprise surviving an encounter with the Romulans to...
My Approach To Identifying And Eliminating Email Spam
I don't know about you but I've completely stopped answering my phone. If you want to talk to me, leave a message. I’m guessing you already know why I made that decision; 99.9 percent of the calls are someone trying to sell me something or to scam me. In case you...
A Followup to Amazon Polly and My Solar Fountain
I live in Texas because I enjoy the hot summers, mild winters and the food. Well, also because my wife has told me she's not moving out of Texas. What I really dread is springtime when my allergies kick into overtime and I feel like a druggie looking for my next...