From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Bugs, My Blog Has a Few
Once I discovered WordPress I thought Blogging would be easy. Let me correct that statement, I thought that writing interesting posts on a regular basis would be the hardest part of the blog. I was so wrong. Don't get me wrong, I still consider style and content to be...
The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology?
When I started this blog, I knew that I wanted to stay more or less on technical issues. Politics was an issue I would avoid. Aside from too many other talented people writing on politics, there was also too much rhetoric, emotion and a seeming lack of ability to do...
Shouting Is A Poor Form Of Communication
A few nights ago I was playing Tera with a friend who wanted to try it out. He was on a trial account and while he could receive messages from me he could not send them to me. This lead to a mildly frustrating 30 minutes involving phone texting and emotes. I...
The Importance of Teamwork in a Design
Imagine if you will, a design team that has been tasked with designing a tablet that will be crucial to the future of their company. The team consists of the best and brightest engineers and programmers in the company. For those of you that like names, let's call the...
Comments on Udacity vs. Colleges
Today I got to read an interesting article by David Youngberg , "Why Online Education Won't Replace College—Yet " He gives five points to support his beliefs and even took CS101 from Udacity as research. I think he's very right in his main assumption but he certainly...
My Experience With Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
This is not something I wanted to write about but as I said in Questing, I'm trying to be more open and share my experiences. I told myself that once this was not a major factor in my life I would write about it. About 8 weeks ago I had a slight earache. Well, not...