by Byron Seastrunk | Mar 11, 2013 | Blogging, General, Politics
Over the last few months I’ve had some very harsh words for our politicians in Washington. My Mother-in-law pointed out that the politicians really aren’t to blame for our current situation. They may be totally incompetent and dysfunctional but it’s...
by Byron Seastrunk | Mar 1, 2013 | Politics
Sequestration or not, every member of Congress should be deeply ashamed of the service they’ve given us getting here. Many people have advocated getting rid of incumbents, term limits, campaign spending limits. I would like to offer my own solution. I believe I...
by Byron Seastrunk | Jan 19, 2013 | General, Politics
There’s an old saying “The enemy of my enemy is my ally”. Congress has certainly made me see the truth of that. My Mother-in-Law is a very nice person that shares my love of technology. There’s two topics where we are polar opposites, choice of...
by Byron Seastrunk | Jan 19, 2013 | General, Politics
My previous post on Congress made me wonder, how is it possible that the people in Congress don’t see themselves in the same light we do? How can you have a 10% approval rating and honestly feel like you are doing the job you were elected for? All the evidence...
by Byron Seastrunk | Jan 3, 2013 | Politics
Apparently I lied when I said I was going to skip Congress as a topic. This morning my wife told me how Congress was congratulating themselves on coming up with a deal at the last minute and I was reminded of the six phases of a project. 1. Enthusiasm –...
by Byron Seastrunk | Aug 26, 2012 | General, Politics
When I started this blog, I knew that I wanted to stay more or less on technical issues. Politics was an issue I would avoid. Aside from too many other talented people writing on politics, there was also too much rhetoric, emotion and a seeming lack of ability to do...