From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
The LinkedIn Numbers Game
Sometimes having easy access to statistics can cause us to focus on the numbers instead of our goal. I used this picture of my dogs for this post because their personality matches illustrates the point. Shelby and Cajun are easily distracted, Sundae will always remain...
Starting A Blog? Spend Some Time Planning
I think everybody would agree that planning is essential. There are degrees of planning that may be necessary to be successful but the planning still needs to take place. My wife tells me that I over plan everything. I don't get it. If I'm going somewhere...
Wilson Cellular Signal Booster, a Review
I've been impressed by how well the Wilson Cellular Signal Booster does what it promises but there are a few caveats in using it. It doesn't amplify your cell phone signal so much as it enables you to take advantage of a better signal if it's available outside your...
A Plateau In Blogging, Which Direction From Here?
When I was teaching fencing, my colleagues and I often observed an interesting phenomenon. If a student made it through the beginning classes, odds were good that they would usually stick with it for another six months. It was at that six month mark that students...
Bryce 7, A Virtual World Builder
Before I get too deep into this post I should mention that Bryce is also the name on my wife's agility companion. He's a handsome dog but this post is not about him. Spend any time looking at 3D models on the Internet and you will come across the names Bryce, Daz...
Poser Debut, an Engineer’s Review
I think Smith Micro has a real hit with Poser Debut. As a engineer I've always been impressed by an artist's ability to convey a message using a minimum of information. If I want to represent a bird in a picture I immediately think of feathers, beak, eyes and...