From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Thank You Udacity
What do I like about Udacity? From ST101 Statistics that I just finished, to CS387 Cryptography that I will have to take again, I've enjoyed the challenge and the learning experience. The instructors enjoy their work and it shows. With a very professional appearance...
Blogging Changes and Improvements
Two months ago I posted about the mistakes I made in starting this blog. It's in my nature to review the changes I'm made since then and give them an objective look. The most obvious change is my theme. I know I said that I wouldn't but as I also said, it was...
Email, A Training Tool For Poor Performance
In a typical game you have a number of obstacles that you have to overcome. Overcome enough of them and you gain a level. Not unexpectedly, the designers of these games often use psychologists to maximize the rush of endorphins you get for each accomplishment. It...
Time, A Perspective and An Apology
When it comes to time I seem to have a lot of conflicting behaviors. If a meeting is supposed to start at 10AM, I strive to be there on time. If my meeting is supposed to last one hour, it will end before the hour is up. These actions are categorized by many people as...
Olympics, Meet The Connected Age
Every two years my wife starts building her media center for Olympic viewing. This consists of carefully looking at all the schedules, verifying that all the recording devices operate, verifying that everything is hooked up correctly and that we get all the channels...
Adobe Premier Elements 10, Almost a Review
One of the things that I'm trying to improve on is the inclusion of videos in my posts. Enforcing that, my wife has recently started using her iPad to record dog runs during her Agility shows. That gives me the perfect excuse to start looking at video editing...