From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
My Quest, Why I Started a Blog
Role Playing Games try to simulate the way we interact with the world and break the elements down to a few essentials. These essentials are then simplified and incorporated into the game as the designer envisions. For example, my character might be described as having...
When I signed up for CS101: Building a Search Engine at, I had no idea what to expect. I'll admit what I really wanted to sign up for was CS373:Programming a Robotic Car. After a careful examination of the requirements for CS373, I realized I'd always...
Style, What It Means To An Engineer
If you have an engineer within your close circle of friends, save yourself some trouble. Go to YouTube and watch "Dilbert - The Knack". As the doctor is explaining young Dilbert's condition he characterizes an engineer with two statements, "extreme intuition about...
I'm a little busy this week trying to finish my Udacity course and even though it doesn't matter, I still want to get a good grade. With that in mind, I asked a friend to contribute and he was happy to help out. ___________________ The exposure and allure of...
In gaming, you get to pick specific attributes that contribute to your characters success. Real life is similar, but we don't get to choose our attributes. In a way I was lucky, one of my strongest attributes is focus. For an engineer, the ability to focus on a...
Becoming Borg
I'm assuming that you have a basic knowledge of the Borg. No need to fear though. If your knowledge of the Borg is lacking, please read this article from Wikipedia and come back: You know who the Borg are now. You probably are thinking that...