From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Why Are We Allowing The News Media To Manipulate Our Opinions?
I know, I vowed no more political blogs but that was last year. This really isn't about politics anyway. It's about the manipulation of our society by the news media. I believe the divisiveness we see today is driven largely by this manipulation. Remember the recent...
Why You Never Ask An Engineer, What Are You Thinking?
It’s been a beautiful evening. The meal was delicious. The waiter had been right, the dessert was to die for. Noticing the smile on his face, you reach out and gently grasp your beloveds’ hand. In a warm voice, full of love and contentment, you say, "What are you...
The HiBoost 4K LCD Phone Signal Booster, A Review
Having found no reviews on the HiBoost 4K LCD phone signal booster and being prevented from posting one on Amazon I decided to write a review myself. I bought mine from Amazon on October 19, 2018 and was impressed by the performance. I live in a rural area and was...
A Review Of The Audible Books I Listened To In 2018
In years past, my first post of the New Year tends to be a retrospective of the previous year for Opinionbypen. These have included a look at the numbers of visitors, my favorite posts, what I did right over the year and even a look back at how well I met my goals for...
How Much Am I Saving By Turning Out All The Lights?
The start of a new year provides us with a time of reflection and resolutions. Today, with the end of the old year on the horizon, I find myself going from room to room turning out lights in an attempt to keep my electricity bill reasonable. I remember my father...
Why Does A Request For Advice So Often Result In An Argument?
If there's anything that can cause conflict between my wife and me, it's a misunderstanding of my role in life when she makes a request for advice. Hmm, I said that poorly, let me give an example. You're sitting at your computer, trying to understand why your 3D...