From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Where I Admit I Made A Mistake About Congress
Spend enough time doing anything and sooner or later you'll make a mistake. Some mistakes are unavoidable. You might say those are the cost of making decisions and although some of us never do, we're expected to learn from our mistakes. In electronics it's almost a...
Married To An Engineer – Part 1
I’ve written several posts about the risks of getting involved with an engineer but some of you have already decided to entwine your life with an engineer. My wife suggested I write this post, not as a warning, but as a guide to communicating with that engineer in...
Why Does Change Seem So Random?
It’s a given that change happens. From fashion to transportation to political viewpoints, it always changes, but why? Change is seldom welcome so why does it happen? And why does it happen so often to the things you like? Why does today's Big Mac more closely resemble...
Email Scams, How Many Do you Get?
It’s discouraging to find out that one of the characters I use in online gaming has a more active social life than I do. Based on the email he gets, he’s active on Facebook, Whatsapp, Google+, Battlenet, Instagram and even has a bank account with Chase. His photos...
It’s July 4 But Some British Influence Might Help
Today is the Fourth of July, a date celebrated by all Americans as the day we declared independence from England. Fireworks, backyard barbecues and massive sales are the highlights of this day. In making that declaration we said we were separating from the British...
Technology Or Magic, Is There a Difference?
Do you believe in magic? If you answered no, why not? The evidence is all around you. As an engineer I have a very pragmatic view of the world. I've been taught the scientific method. I've been taught math, physics and chemistry as foundations of science. I've been...