From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Color, Fashion and an Engineer
Have you ever considered what a wondrous thing it is to see color? In spring I get to enjoy the vivid green of my pasture, the bright red of the cardinals as they feast on the insects trying to eat my pasture, the mixed reds and yellows of my wife's roses, even the...
Office 2013 Terms, Marketing Ploy or Greed?
Revised March 6, 2013: After reading my post Microsoft had a change of heart and relented on allowing you to transfer your copy of Office 2013. They made the announcement today allowing you to transfer it every 90 days. They did not mention my blog in particular but...
Congressional Lottery, A Proposal
Sequestration or not, every member of Congress should be deeply ashamed of the service they've given us getting here. Many people have advocated getting rid of incumbents, term limits, campaign spending limits. I would like to offer my own solution. I believe I have...
An Attempt To Make Sense Of The Rules Of Writing
Over the last 3 months I've been trying to improve the content of my blog, both the pictures I use to illustrate my articles and the quality of my writing. As I expected, Poser has helped me to improve my pictures. I'm starting to understand the shortcuts and tricks...
A Study in Communication, Webhostinghub
I decided to try WebhostingHub because $10 for a year of webhosting looked too good to pass up. What I did not expect was a wonderful example of poor communication. I admit it, I'm cheap. I follow Rick Broida on Twitter because he comes up with some real bargains....
Wordfence, Protection For Your WordPress Site
I first realized how much I appreciate Wordfence when WebHostingHub told me I had excessive activity on my server and I would have to disable Wordfence. That's when I decided my relationship with WebhostingHub would be a short one. Wordfence is a free security plugin...