From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Teamwork, A Term Misunderstood By Congress
Apparently I lied when I said I was going to skip Congress as a topic. This morning my wife told me how Congress was congratulating themselves on coming up with a deal at the last minute and I was reminded of the six phases of a project. 1. Enthusiasm - We're going to...
Utility Software I Depend On
I thought a lot about my first post of 2013. I wanted to start the year with a great post. I considered one on Congress but my efforts would be insignificant compared to the spectacle they've already made of themselves. Statistics is always a good topic and the course...
Handwriting as a training method?
There are a number of people that would describe my personality as a tightly closed book, written in small font, in code. I wasn't always this open. When I still lived in the city I had a ritual for starting my weekend. On Saturday morning I would walk to a used...
BYOD, a Rallying Cry For Revolution
BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, is a relatively new term. It reflects the desire of employees to use their own tablet, iPad or Android device rather than using the device provided by their company. I've been here before and it's nothing less than a revolution, not one of...
Bots Invading Your Blog? Don’t Feel Alone
I'm really tired of all the net parasites that visit my website on a daily basis. You might know them as bots or webcrawlers but somehow parasites fits. I've mentioned before that the number of bots my site receives far exceeds the number of visitors. On a typical...
Looking For a Christmas Present? Try
Many years ago my Mother-in-Law introduced me to She did this indirectly by giving me a iPod Shuffle for Christmas. At the time, I considered the Shuffle part of her tireless campaign to pull me into the Apple mystique. I appreciated the thought but...