From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Sometimes the Engineers Get It Wrong, TPMS
Yesterday the TPMS warning for my wife's canine roadshow, AKA known as a Dodge Grand Caravan, came on. In case you're not familiar with the term, the TPMS is your tire pressure monitoring system. Now my wife's relationship with tires is the stuff urban legends are...
Email Taxation, Musings From The Thought Simulation Chamber
I'm going to make a suggestion and please hear me out before you call on your fellow villagers and start lighting torches. I want the government to start taxing email. Wait, put away those lighters, I do have a reason. With approximately two hundred billion emails...
What Idiot Designed This? In Defense Of Engineers
Ever try to fix something and ask yourself, “what idiot designed this?” It’s certainly happened to me often enough. Yeah, a few of those times it was one of my own designs but we’re not going to discuss those today. Before I get too far into this post let me freely...
Shelby, We Miss You
Our first and oldest Australian Shepherd, Shelby, died early Monday morning. Her death was a natural one brought about by old age. We knew it was coming but the knowledge did little to soften the loss. She spent fifteen too short years with us, having joined our...
Patent Reform, We Should Demand It
There is no easier way to get me to jump on a soapbox than to start a discussion on patents. While I fully support the concept of patents and I feel that the inventor should be rewarded for his efforts, I just don’t think that’s the way our system is working. Nor do I...
What’s This Thing Called Cache? A Non-Technical Explanation
Spend enough time with computers and you’ll encounter cache. When your browser is acting up, the first thing you hear is, “your cache is corrupted you’ll have to clean it.” When your computer is running slow, you’re told you need more cache. Obviously cache is...