From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Improving My Writing Means I Have To Write
When I started writing this blog, I had two goals, improve my writing and become comfortable sharing parts of my life. Well, there was also the lure of becoming rich and famous through my writing but reality set in quickly. Writing for a living takes a lot of work....
Married To An Engineer – Part 2
It’s happened again this year, once again I've forgotten my anniversary. Every year that it happens, I swear it won’t happen again. I’ve set alarms on watches, PDAs and smartphones. I went so far as to enlist my Mother-In-Law’s help but every once in a while all those...
Amazon vs Hachette, A Consumer’s View
In the current argument between Amazon and Hachette, I'm not qualified to discuss the finer details of price points and author royalties. What I can discuss is my opinion and my response as a consumer. I don't expect anything I say to influence Hachette. I think they...
Gamification, Another Management Fad?
I like my job, I really do. In order to ensure I continue to like my job I avoid a lot of topics that I would like to write about because my management might not see my point. This is one of those topics. One of the stronger engineering traits is the ability to see...
The Up Mini 3D Printer Revisited
The 3D printer testing this week by Make magazine inspired me to do this follow-up post on my Up Mini 3D printer. I’ll answer the most obvious question first. Then again, maybe not, I still have no rational reason for why I bought the printer but I can...
Where I Admit I Made A Mistake About Congress
Spend enough time doing anything and sooner or later you'll make a mistake. Some mistakes are unavoidable. You might say those are the cost of making decisions and although some of us never do, we're expected to learn from our mistakes. In electronics it's almost a...