From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
The Royal Cobbler, A Fairy Tale For Small Business
A long time ago there was a cobbler of great renown. He made a comfortable living selling very nice shoes to rich people. As luck would have it, word of his skills reached the king. The king being a very noble and wise king ( they always are, aren't they) decided to...
Knowing Mechanics Of Writing Doesn’t Make Me A Writer
Creative writing has always appealed to me. During my career I've had a lot of practice writing reports, proposals and specifications. While these documents require the ability to communicate information in a clear concise and, hopefully, unambiguous manner, none of...
Professionalism, Why Is It Disappearing?
I had no idea what was happening when I watched my first fencing tournament. The director was giving directions in French, the opponents would come together, lights came on the scoring box, the director would call halt and award a point. I did not yet have the...
Symbols Of Power, The Exclamation Point
They say symbols have power. My first response as an engineer is to deny that. Symbols don’t have any power, the power of a symbol is based only on our perception of the symbol. You could say symbols represent power. If we’ve never seen the symbol or don’t recognize...
Requirements, A Tale With Two Socks
Chance was and still is a very energetic Australian shepherd that spent last spring with us as a foster. His major vice, in my opinion, was that he loved to chew on my socks. Worse he managed to convince another dog, Cajun, that this was entertainment. By the time...
Inspiration, It Might Be Closer Than You Think
On our journey through life we meet a number of people that have profound influences on us, our parents, our teachers, our friends, even our co-workers. I've been very fortunate to encounter a number of people who were very positive inspirations. As I sit here...