From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Spam and Scams Filling My Email – Sound Familiar?
One look at my investment portfolio and you know my ability to predict the future is seriously flawed. This trend gives me hope I’m wrong but if history is any guide, no one will be using email 10 years from now. Impossible you say? Before the advent of robocallers...
Thinking About Giving A 3D Printer For Christmas? Read this First.
With Christmas just around the corner, you’ve already started trying to match gifts to the people in your life. This post is simply to make it easier for you to successfully give a 3D printer for Christmas. No matter how intrigued people are by technology, a 3D...
Dear Engineer Who Ignores My Words
Apparently I made a number of people unhappy with my post on why engineers are ignoring you. As an occasional contributor to this blog, Zee demanded equal time on this subject. Since one of my goals for this blog is to get people to think, allowing a view from...
Are The Engineers In Your Life Ignoring You? What You Can Do About It
If there’s an engineer in your life, I’m certain you often feel ignored by them. Don’t take it personally, it happens to everyone. My goal is to explain why they seem to be ignoring you and how to improve your situation. Notice I did not say gain full attention....
The Sundae Style of Management, Please Don’t Try This At Work
It’s been fairly busy at work this month and nobody wanted to help me out by writing a guest blog. In a moment of desperation, I agreed to let Sundae share her views on management. To be fair, I have worked for managers who seemed to share many of her theories....
An Engineer’s Dilemma, Beware The Time Team
When I got married, I knew my wife did not share my fascination with technology. She wouldn’t understand what I do on a daily basis and there would be communication problems. The trade-off was her love of history and her knowledge of animals. These were skills I...