From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Lower Gas Prices And 100 MPG The Congressional Way
Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking hard about two things, how to get lower gas prices and how to get better mileage on my vehicle. It was while I was in the thought simulation chamber (shower to you) that the solution came to me. I was amazed, all these weeks...
Class Action Suits, A Way To Balance The Budget?
The odds are strong you’ve been a client in a class action suit. You might never know you were involved in one. Maybe more than one, I know I’ve been represented in several. It seems the moment you buy something, you’re automatically included in a class action suit....
One Year In The Making, A Blogging Quest
One year in the making...that's how long this post has taken me. Exactly one year ago I started this blog with my first post, Beginning, embarking on this quest. Since then I've written 95 posts on a variety of topics. In response to those posts, has...
ESD Training, A Poser Opportunity
Almost everyone has heard the term ESD, ElectroStatic Discharge. It’s the little shock you get on a cold dry morning as you touch the doorknob. It’s seldom fatal to us unless it comes in the form of lightning, also a form of ESD. Fifty years ago, unless you were...
Daylight Savings Time, A Tale Of Two Time Zones
It's official, I hate Daylight Savings Time. I know several hundred blogs were written on the subject this year and I saw no reason to add my voice then I started thinking about my post on apathy and realized I have to add my voice to the crowd. I've always wondered...
Apathy, How To Waste Your Vote
Over the last few months I've had some very harsh words for our politicians in Washington. My Mother-in-law pointed out that the politicians really aren't to blame for our current situation. They may be totally incompetent and dysfunctional but it's not their fault...