From the Doghouse
A look at dogs having fun
Poser Gallery
My gallery of pictures I’ve created in Poser
My Science Fiction and Fantasy stories
Stories I’ve written
Nature by Carol
A look at the less technical side of life
Opinionbypen 2016 Goals in Review, How Well Did I Do?
I force my wife to read the first draft of all my posts. I've found that this keeps me out of trouble with her and gives me some insight on how people will feel when they read it. I mention that because after reading this post she said I always seemed sad when...
Married To An Engineer, The Christmas Dinner Dilemma
I just discovered that I'll be having steak for Christmas dinner instead of the ham everyone else will be having. Truthfully, I don't see this as a bad thing but I hate to see this happen simply because my wife and I don't seem to communicate on the meaning of like...
All I Want For Christmas is Rural High Speed Internet
All I want for Christmas is rural high speed Internet. Well, at least my area of rural America with unlimited data while I'm wishing. As ridiculous as that sounds, it's true for me and an ever increasing number of people living in rural America. With all the...
I Need You To Stop Watching Me, An Engineer’s Confession
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean no one is watching you. There’s a lot of truth to that statement. All my life, people have been watching me. No, I don’t mean spies, foreign agents or even the NSA. Not that I'm dismissing the notion that they might be lurking...
Most of My Knowledge Started With Failure
There are people who say I have an enormous ego, not that I disagree. I’ve gone so far as to write about my ego, although in that post I attributed my ego to being an engineer. There are even a few people who believe I deserve to have a big ego. So much for truth...
Is Windows 10 So Bad I Should Consider Using Linux?
If you’ve ever been frustrated to tears by some of the “enhancements” Microsoft has added to Windows over the years, sooner or later you'll consider using Linux. As I’m writing this on my Windows 10 laptop, Microsoft has already told me that my version of...